Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Anticipation. . . of Bedazzling

Here's a little story for anyone not versed in Bedazzling and its history:

Sometime in the 1970's someone thought, "Hey, let's mass market a tool to fasten giant plastic gemstones onto clothing." The Bedazzler was born and flourished during the 1970's and 80's, because well, it was the 70's and 80's.

Enter the nineties and the world rebounded against the Bedazzler, mainly because of looks like this one:

Now, we all know that the Bedazzled sweater is clearly not the only thing wrong with this hot mess. The giant glasses, the weird poofy hair, the gold lame leggings, the ill-fitting (or non-existent) brassiere, and the sour expression all combine to create more of an eyesore than anyone could dream up. Maybe the Bedazzler takes the heat for this kind of thing because it really elevated bad fashion to a kitsch art form for a while.

But there's hope for the redemption of the Bedazzler. Just like a bad news boyfriend or the smell of Tequila, I think that enough time has passed that we can revisit the offender without anyone getting hurt. This rekindling of the Bedazzler love will be a modified version, however. Modified how, you ask? Well, for one, by ditching the gemstones altogether in favor of studs. Yes, STUDS!

Check out the fierceness the addition of studs lends to this Nanetter Lepore coat. Beyond wicked cute, this coat is almost to die for. Would I pay the $548 that Bloomie's is asking for it? Hell to the no! Will I acquire a Bedazzler at some point this week and attempt to work some magic on a coat I already own? Um, yeah! No brainer. (If you still aren't with me on this whole "studding" thing, just check out this dress, or this one, or these jeans. All intensely perfect but heinously overpriced, no?)

So, the procrastination special over the next couple of weeks is obvs going to be centered around me revamping my wardrobe with some mayjah studdage. Hopefully this will distract me away from shopping. I think I have a problem. Anywho, if I feel ambitious enough, I will attempt to videotape some of the Bedazzling tomfoolery and vlog it. That's right, people, I said vlog. Wish me luck.


  1. DIY is often the fun and frugal way to go. Great eye for the fashion hotness btw! That coat is amazingly chic!

  2. I want to make a copy of the bedazzled sweater-lame' leggings-coke bottle glasses pic to show my mom next time she complains about how I dress. I will tape it to her fridge, and write "Next time you think Christy looks like an idiot who doesn't know how to dress- remember it could always be worse!" And that is why I have her a special spot at Shady Pines waiting.

